Make space for what matters





What will
make space for?

Schedule a complimentary
phone consultation to get started!
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Meet the Organizer

Well Spaced is run by Laura Sullivan, a Denver-based organizer on a mission to help clients define, create, and maintain organizational wellness in their personal and professional spaces so they can make space for what matters most to them.

More About Laura

We got more done in three hours than I was able to do by myself in a year.
— M.P. (after his first session!)

How does it work?

The process is tailored to you and your goals, whether you need help with a specific room or closet or you want to declutter the whole house! Not sure where to start? That’s fine too. After an initial assessment, Laura will suggest a roadmap for achieving a clutter-free and well spaced environment.

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Organizational wellness

When we think of wellness, we typically think of the big three - mind, body, and soul.

Laura believes that space is an often overlooked fourth component of wellness.

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